One of the best ways to spend a weekend is eating. I can personally attest to this having spent the last weekend doing just so.
Case in point, example 1: Where else can you eat something unashamedly named "brutti ma buoni" -- "ugly but good." With a strong hazelnut flavor and a caramel crisp texture these cookies were light and sweet. The only problem is that they were also very crumbly. We both ended up with little bits sprinkled down the fronts of our coats and thus had to shake off the "ugly" before continuing our day.

Case in point, example 2: Gelato is the Starbucks of Italy. Everyone walks around with one. Women who are shopping like fiends always have a hand free for gelato. Business men are not too macho to nurse a cone during the lunch hour. And tourists seem to collect them in numbers rivaled only by postcards and naughty pastas.
There's a reason for this. Or more than one. In fact there is every reason. Gelato is amazing. Gelato is inexpensive. Gelato is everywhere. And it comes in more flavors than you would imagine. Pictured are pistacchio, chocolate, cherries & cream, and plain cream.
To be perfectly honest, we'd had gelato the day before as well.
And maybe the day before that.
Have I mentioned there's tiramisu flavor?

Case in point, example 3: Apertivo in full swing. At our favorite bar, drinking our favorite wine, at our favorite price. This plate of delicious samplings, along with a glass of wine worthy of someone far more educated in wines than myself, was had for the delicate price of 5 euro. The bar is gorgeous, the patrons are Italian and the saffron risotto arrives at your table just because you're there. Ching, ching!
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