Do you remember that game you played in the car when you were little? It was called "Punch Buggy" or something like that? And every time you saw a VW Bug go by you had to yell "Punch Buggy!" and then attach the color of the Bug to the end of your declaration and punch the person nearest you. So if a yellow VW Bug scooted past, you'd turn to your sister in the backseat of the car, punch her in the shoulder as hard as you could, and then yell "Punch Buggy Yellow!" And that meant you won.
It's a game that's easy to play and is really quite inclusive. No special rules, no age limits. And it's such a great concept -- you all agree on something that's obvious yet unique and then beat each other to the punch, literally, trying to notice it first.

It is now time for me to add that Milan has fallen prey to a male fashion trend that is calm and demure and very, very subtle: pants in colors meant really only for citrus fruit and tropical dancers. Welcome to the world of red, orange and lime green trousers. It's a very vibrant world and one that's begging for a little game we like to call "Punch Pants."

We had friends in town several weeks ago and without much fanfare or hoopla the game of Punch Pants came to be. I don't remember exactly who I should give credit to, although I know it wasn't me, but it was a glorious invention and one that lives on today.
When a man wearing vividly colored (read: tropical) trousers strolls past, a Punch Pants competitor must turn, whack the person closest to them, and declare as loudly as suits the situation, "Punch Pants Red!" Or "Punch Pants Lime!" or whatever color is currently singeing your retinas.

And what's so great about this game is that everyone is wearing these pants. Young men, old men, fathers, sons... Men who love lime green sweaters tied around their necks. There is no limit to the fashion magic of these pants.
So if you should come to visit us, be ready. Because it seems that Punch Pants isn't going away anytime soon.
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