Saturdays in Washington, D.C. should start with pancakes and if you can get yourself out of bed before 9AM you've got a good shot at getting a mighty fine pile of them without too much of a wait. However, if you feel like sleeping in - and by sleeping in I mean arriving at Market Lunch anytime after 9:30 - come with a newspaper or a sizeable interest in your neighbor because you're going to need something to do while you wait.
Not to dissuade the late sleepers of the world from going to Market Lunch for pancakes. The line moves relatively quickly and I can see where you're coming from - we like sleeping in too. It's just that we like Market Lunch's pancakes even better, and I think you will too.

The bluebuck pancakes at Market Lunch in the Eastern Market are good enough for a weekend wake-up call because they're made with buckwheat flour and blueberries, and have the best pancake name ever. "One order of bluebucks coming up!" It just sounds right.
There's also that large scoop of butter melting its way across the top of the pancake pile. Top with maple syrup and it's like a layer cake for breakfast; all decadent and homey and just what we're looking for in a Saturday breakfast. And doesn't cholesterol take the weekend off, anyway?
Market Lunch
at the Eastern Market
7th Street & North Carolina Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C.
1 comment:
Love this place! I hit it whenever I am in DC. Yum. But then, I have a whole list of faves in DC; it is a good town for ethnic eats.
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